Jennifer Lopez shows off toned figure In a series of stunning snaps, the mother-of-two flaunts her sublimely toned yet curvy figure in tra...
Jennifer Lopez shows off toned figure
In a series of stunning snaps, the mother-of-two flaunts her sublimely toned yet curvy figure in traditional tough-looking padded leather boxing briefs, and barely covers her chest with a cut-off white vest
Kate, pictured in London yesterday after having lunch at Harry's Bar in Mayfair, appears to have recovered from her 'temporary paralysis'
In a series of stunning snaps, the mother-of-two flaunts her sublimely toned yet curvy figure in traditional tough-looking padded leather boxing briefs, and barely covers her chest with a cut-off white vest
In a series of stunning snaps, the mother-of-two flaunts her sublimely toned yet curvy figure in traditional tough-looking padded leather boxing briefs, and barely covers her chest with a cut-off white vest
In a series of stunning snaps, the mother-of-two flaunts her sublimely toned yet curvy figure in traditional tough-looking padded leather boxing briefs, and barely covers her chest with a cut-off white vest
She is known for having a determined and fierce attitude which has helped her become one of the most successful women in showbiz.
And Jennifer Lopez certainly looks like a lady not to be messed with in a new sizzling photoshoot for V magazine's new Sports Issue.
The 42-year-old American Idol judge poses completely nude with nothing but a pair of boxing gloves held up over her sexy curves to protect her modesty.
In a series of stunning snaps, the mother-of-two flaunts her sublimely toned yet curvy figure in traditional tough-looking padded leather boxing briefs, and barely covers her chest with a cut-off white vest.
In other images Lopez slips on a studded diamante Prada satin jacket and traditional silk dressing gown as she packs a few punches for the camera.