Chavez joins TV show during recovering period Image provided by Venezuela's Presidency shows the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez duri...
Chavez joins TV show during recovering period
Image provided by Venezuela's Presidency shows the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez during a special program of television in Havana, Cuba, on March 11, 2012. Hugo Chavez has stayed in Cuba for two weeks recovering, after arriving Havana for a third time to undertake a new surgery to treat cancer discovered in June 2011. (Xinhua/Venezuela's Presidency)
Image provided by Venezuela's Presidency shows the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez during a special program of television in Havana, Cuba, on March 11, 2012. Hugo Chavez has stayed in Cuba for two weeks recovering, after arriving Havana for a third time to undertake a new surgery to treat cancer discovered in June 2011. (Xinhua/Venezuela's Presidency)
Image provided by Venezuela's Presidency shows the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez during a special program of television in Havana, Cuba, on March 11, 2012. Hugo Chavez has stayed in Cuba for two weeks recovering, after arriving Havana for a third time to undertake a new surgery to treat cancer discovered in June 2011. (Xinhua/Venezuela's Presidency)
Images provided by Venezuela's Presidency show the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez during a special program of television in Havana, Cuba, on March 11, 2012.
Hugo Chavez has stayed in Cuba for two weeks recovering, after arriving Havana for a third time to undertake a new surgery to treat cancer discovered in June 2011.