Budapest's antique car show Drivers drive lead their vehicle on an oval track of a velodrome during an old timer car and motorcycle sh...
Budapest's antique car show
Drivers drive lead their vehicle on an oval track of a velodrome during an old timer car and motorcycle show in Budapest on May 1, 2012. The event brought life again into the 412 meter long Millennial Velodrome of Budapest, which was built in 1896 and is one of the oldest arenas for track cycling in Europe. AFP PHOTO / PETER KOHALMIPETER KOHALMI/AFP/GettyImages
A young woman driver prepares her car for the show near the oval track of a velodrome during an old timer car and motorcycle show in Budapest on May 1, 2012. The event brought life again into the 412 meter long Millennial Velodrome of Budapest, which was built in 1896 and is one of the oldest arenas for track cycling in Europe. AFP PHOTO / PETER KOHALMIPETER KOHALMI/AFP/GettyImages
Drivers drive lead their vehicle on an oval track of a velodrome during an old timer car and motorcycle show in Budapest on May 1, 2012. The event brought life again into the 412 meter long Millennial Velodrome of Budapest, which was built in 1896 and is one of the oldest arenas for track cycling in Europe. AFP PHOTO
A woman driver waits besides her car near the oval track of a velodrome during an old timer car and motorcycle show in Budapest on May 1, 2012. The event brought life again into the 412 meter long Millennial Velodrome of Budapest, which was built in 1896 and is one of the oldest arenas for track cycling in Europe. AFP PHOTO / PETER KOHALMIPETER KOHALMI/AFP/GettyImages
Men ride bicycles on an oval track of a velodrome during an old timer car and motorcycle show in Budapest on May 1, 2012. The event brought life again into the 412 meter long Millennial Velodrome of Budapest, which was built in 1896 and is one of the oldest arenas for track cycling in Europe. AFP PHOTO / PETER KOHALMIPETER KOHALMI/AFP/GettyImages
Legendary Swiss motorcycle road racer, three times World Champion in 1962, 1964, and 1966 Luigi Taveri (1929) poses for a photo with his helmet nearby an oval track of a velodrome during an old timer car and motorcycle show in Budapest on May 1, 2012. The event brought life again into the 412 meter long Millennial Velodrome of Budapest, which was built in 1896 and is one of the oldest arenas for track cycling in Europe. AFP PHOTO / PETER KOHALMIPETER KOHALMI/AFP/GettyImages
An antique car and motorcycle show was held in Budapest, Hungary on May 1. The event brought life again into the 412 meter long Millennial Velodrome of Budapest, which was built in 1896 and is one of the oldest arenas for track cycling in Europe.